Mulberry Class News

28th February 2019
Last half term Mulberry were extremely busy...
We all had fun building a cardboard house inside the classroom to go with our English book 'Eco-Wolf And The Three Pigs'. We found out about how to be eco friendly and we made some excellent posters and information leaflets. 
We have also been doing some drama during our lessons, including hot-seating, where we asked the characters why they were behaving in certain ways, and reading news reports.
In Maths we have been practising adding and subtracting money. Which will prove very useful when we want to spend our pocket money. We have also been doing some maths work outside, making human pictograms. 
Our topic last half term was 'Magical Maps'. We enjoyed sketching maps of our local area and looking at a variety of maps including, google maps and treasure maps.
Mulberry class did such a fantastic job creating a Monster Dance in P.E, that we decided to perform it for the rest of the school. Although we had a little bit of stage fright to start with, we all gave an excellent performance and we are all looking forward to giving more performances in the future.