Toddler Group

Mowbray Toddler Group
As part of our Early Years Provision, we operate a Toddler Group every Tuesday morning during term-time for children up to 3 years old. The group is for all members of the local community - not just parents of children attending Mowbray. 
The Toddler Group is organised by our Pastoral Manager, Mrs Jane Baines and she is supported by a group of volunteers made up of members of the community. Action for Children also attend our Toddler Group and run messy play sessions for the children.
The Toddler Group organises different seasonal activities and themes throughout the year and now also offers the chance to access the Mowbray School library for story-time with your child. We also arrange frequent visits to view our Early Years Unit - which particularly helps transition for any children wishing to join our nursery unit. Upcoming activities in the Autumn term include a Forest School session with our Forest School teacher, and a chance to sample a 'Balanceability' balance bike session with a qualified cycling instructor.
Toddler group costs £2 for the first child and £1 for each child thereafter. Refreshments for adults and toddlers are included in the cost.
Please be aware, staff hold no responsibility for supervising children. It is parents' responsibility to check the suitability of any equipment before children use it.
For more information about our Toddler Group, contact Mrs Baines via email or work mobile telephone 07595613842 or contact the school office on 01670 823198